It’s time to make time for you my friends.
I hear this time and time again. “I don’t have time, I ran out of time, I’m going to wait
until I am off to do that.”
Sound familiar? If it does, you are not alone.
What happens is that we get caught up in our day, take care of everyone else and forget
that we have to take care of ourselves. I want you to stop that right now!
I want you to take 5-10 minutes a day.
When? Every single day.
I want you to ask yourself these 5 questions. Think about them and then make a promise to yourself.
- What does wellness/self-care mean to me?
- Do I practice this every day?
- Do I devote anytime to myself on a daily basis?
- If I could have a full day to myself, what would I do?
- In regards to question #4, Why can’t you do that now?
What are the benefits of living a wellness lifestyle?
I have three that I feel strongly about and mostly because I know that as a First Responder, we can forget that we matter.
- Increases the ability to communicate emotions to others and to act assertively rather than aggressively or passively.
- It promotes social awareness and the ability to reach out to, understand, and care about ourselves and others.
- Reduces the symptoms of depression and improves mood (Anspaugh, Hamrick & Rosato, 2011).
According to Anspaugh, Hamrick and Rosato, Wellness is a process rather than a goal.
What steps can you take right now?
Check out my free 5 day Challenge below:
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